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Why a Business Facebook Page Doesn't Replace the Need for a Website

Did you know that Facebook has over 2.9 billion monthly active users?

With so many people using the platform regularly, it is no surprise why millions of companies use it to connect with their customers. Facebook's business pages are free and can be a great addition to your company. However, should they be used in place of a professional business website?

The short answer is no.

No matter your product or service, a website is essential for any business. So, if you are curious to learn why a Facebook business page can’t replace a business website, you've come to the right place. Keep reading for a complete Facebook vs website guide.

3 Reasons Why Every Business Needs a Website 

An online presence is crucial to reinforce your brand and connect with new and old customers. Although social media plays a significant role in this, a website is important for many reasons including to establish your business' authority online, build credibility and stand out against the competition. Keep reading to learn more ways that a website is beneficial to a business.

1. You Have Complete Creative Control with a Website

Websites are a fantastic way for businesses to tell their stories and persuade leads to take action. When you design a website, you have complete control of its elements, design, and content. This means that your page can be just as unique as the business itself.

Your website is often the very first impression potential clients will have of your business, so having creative control is crucial. Suppose you only use social media as your business' identification and point of contact. In that case, you'll essentially be filling out a template that will restrict you from providing details about your business and make your profile page look exactly like the competition.

With your own website, you can make your business stand out from the rest by incorporating branding and every other aspect of your business' identity. Although having social media profiles for your business are beneficial and should be used in your marketing strategy, a website can house so much more information about your business and bring your brand to the next level.

Unlike a Facebook business page, with a website you can create different pages on your site making it easy for visitors to navigate and find the information they are looking for. For example, you may want to display samples for your work, showcase great customer reviews, and have a contact us form on separate pages and navigation tabs for each.

However, keep in mind that a poorly designed site can do more harm than good, so make sure to keep everything user-friendly, on-brand, and professional.

2. A Website Builds Credibility and Demonstrates Professionalism

Having a well-designed website will make your business look a lot more professional and build trust with your customers. Nowadays, the internet is full of scams, so most customers do a lot of research before they choose to trust a business. If people can only find you through social media, you won't look as credible as a competitor with a website.

Furthermore, a website is the perfect place to list awards, post testimonials, share photos and videos, and give more reasons for people to believe that you are an established company that deserves their business. Think of a website as an extension (or replacement) of a brick-and-mortar store.

What would you have on the walls to make customers understand your brand and make them feel comfortable doing business with you? Adding professional and personal touches to your website will make your business stand out and brand relatable with customers.

3. A Website Provides Customers with Quick Access to Information

A website is the best place to put everything a potential customer should know about your business. This includes location, hours of operation, contact information, products and services offered, social media icons, and anything else that you could think of that your customers might need to know. Ultimately, a website looks more official and will always appear as the better alternative for customers to look up information about your business.

In addition, there are many things you can incorporate into your website to make it look even better and make it easier for customers to access information. For example, you can set up a Google Map for your location and even embed YouTube videos to show customers how your products or services work.

With social media, you are limited with the information you can display. In addition, whatever you post on social media is listed at the top temporarily until it is pushed down every time a new post is made. So, if you need to share important information and have it somewhere that will always be readily available to your clients, a website is the best solution.

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Replace a Website With a Facebook Page

Now that you've read about the benefits of having a website for your business, you might be thinking, "why should I invest time and money in a website if Facebook allows me to create a page within the platform?" Sure, creating a Facebook page for your business might seem like the easiest route, but although this platform can be handy, it has plenty of limitations and reasons why you shouldn't use it as a replacement for a website.

1. A Facebook Page is Just a Tool

Facebook pages are free, easy to create, and very user-friendly. However, they also don't let you have a lot of creative freedom. When you create a Facebook page, it'll look exactly like every other business page on the platform (besides, of course, having your information and profile picture). Solely using Facebook will not set you apart from your competition.

However, Facebook is a great marketing tool that you should be using. The platform lets you post updates, pictures, and information to connect with your target audience. The downside is that every time you post, all of the preceding information gets pushed down and eventually lost into the over-saturated platform.
So, instead of looking at Facebook as a replacement for your website, look at it as a tool that will help you bring in more traffic to your website and help you grow your business.

2. Facebook Owns Its Pages (Including Yours)

Another downside of replacing your website with a Facebook page is that you will not be its owner- Facebook will. Although Facebook pages are "free," you'll be paying the high price of not owning nor controlling what happens on this platform. This means that if Facebook changes its algorithm, rules, etc., your business page will change with it, and you'll have no control over it.

Furthermore, let’s say someone mistakenly flags your business page or reports your page to Facebook. Facebook takes these types of notifications seriously and within just a few hours your page could be down and unsearchable.

When you create your website for your business, you'll be able to call the shots and won't depend on a big corporation to micromanage the way you want consumers to perceive and receive information about your business.

3. Facebook Pages Have Limited SEO Benefits

SEO is crucial for your business to be discovered organically. With Facebook, because all of the pages are essentially the same, there is very little you can do in terms of optimization. Sure, Facebook has billions of users, but millions of business pages fight for their attention.

Facebook also doesn't grant you access to ALL of their users, in fact, Facebook's organic reach is minimal, so your content won't even be seen by your entire list of followers either. For this reason, if you rely on Facebook to work as your platform, you'll probably need to pay for Facebook Ads to expand your reach and make it easier for all those users to find you.

On the other hand, when you create a website, you can use keywords, add search worthy content, and blog articles to make it easier for potential customers to find you using search engines like Google. Using SEO strategically will help you expand your website's organic traffic. Then, if you deem it necessary, you can use social media platform tools to pay for ads and bring even more traffic to your website.

Should You Use Social Media for Your Business? 

Social media marketing is not something that businesses should overlook, as it is a fantastic strategy proven to work. Nowadays, companies should be using social media platforms such as Facebook to build brand awareness, connect with customers, generate leads, and increase website traffic. However, as you can see, solely relying on social media and not having a website could turn out to be a big mistake.

The best way to use social media to your advantage is to use it as a brand marketing tool. This way, you'll be able to leverage all of its benefits without missing out on the opportunities that go along with having a business website.

Social media will help reinforce your online presence, but it should not replace your website. Instead, use it to build connections with your customers, build your brand, and generate attention for your business.

Facebook VS Website 

When it comes to Facebook vs website pages, which one is better for your business? Both!

If you were wondering whether you should replace your website with Facebook, hopefully, this guide showed you that you should not. Using Facebook can be a useful marketing tool; however, it would be a mistake to use a Facebook business profile as a replacement for a well-designed website.

Designing a website will give you creative control, which will allow you to establish yourself as a trustworthy business. In addition, it will enable you to get organic traffic using SEO, and you won't have to worry about algorithm or policy changes.
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8 Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Make

According to a recent survey, about half of all American small businesses lack a solid marketing plan. Not having a plan in place is one of the biggest marketing mistakes that any small business can make.

If you're not marketing your business enough at this time, it could eventually lead to its demise. You're going to struggle to spread the word about your company without using small business marketing to your advantage.
There are also some other marketing mistakes that you might be making as a small business owner that can come back to bite you. Learn about eight of them below.

1. Failing to Create a Website for Your Small Business

These days, there is really no excuse for small businesses not to have websites. Websites are no longer an exception, they’re the expectation.

Yet, one recent report revealed that about 27% of small businesses are still operating without websites. These small businesses are likely hurting their bottom lines in a big way by failing to create websites.

If your small business is still operating without a website, you should do something to change that immediately. With our company, you can get a website for your company up and running in no time at all.

Even if you don't know the first thing about web design, our experts will help you get started on your website right away. Your website will quickly become one of your best marketing tools.

2. Ignoring the Importance of SEO When It Comes to Your Company's Website

It isn't enough to simply set up a website for your small business in this day and age. Once you create a website, you also need to make sure that you understand how important search engine optimization, or SEO, is.

SEO is a process that involves incorporating certain things into your website to make it easier for others to find it. By adding the right keywords, links, etc. to your site, you can help it to rank much higher on search engine results pages and ensure that plenty of people visit your site each month.

If SEO isn't a big part of your small business marketing strategy, you'll be making one of the worst marketing mistakes. You'll be missing out on an opportunity to bring in so much more traffic on a regular basis.

3. Forgetting to Establish a Social Media Presence for Your Small Business

While it's important for small businesses to set up websites and use them for marketing purposes, it's just as important for them to establish social media presence these days. Your company should have accounts on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.

Social media has provided small businesses with a brand-new way to connect to customers. It's also made it possible for them to create unique voices for their brands that separate them from the pack.

4. Misidentifying the Target Audience for Your Small Business

Who is the target audience for your small business? You can have the best small business website in the world and a wonderful social media presence, but if you don't know who your target audience is, all of your marketing efforts might miss the mark.

Before you begin trying to employ any marketing techniques on behalf of your small business, you should make sure you know who your target audience is. It'll enable you to cater your content to them to increase the chances of them patronizing your small business.

5. Letting Negative Online Reviews for Your Small Business Linger

Whether you like it or not, people who patronize your small business are typically going to leave reviews for your company. They'll do it through any number of review sites, and their reviews will impact your reputation.

If you're able to rack up almost nothing but positive reviews, that's awesome. You won't have to worry about doing anything other than thanking those who have taken the time to leave reviews for your small business in the first place.

But if you find that you've received a lot of negative reviews online, you should do something about it. You will either want to look into having these reviews removed if you don't feel as though they're legit or respond to these reviews to show that your company cares about input from your customers.

Whatever you do, you don't want to allow negative reviews to stick around for too long and make it seem as though your company doesn't care about them.

6. Spending Too Much Money or Not Enough Money on Small Business Marketing

To carry out your small business marketing plan, you will need to be prepared to spend some money on it. You should come up with a marketing budget and use it accordingly.

Just be sure that you're not spending too much money or not enough money on your small business marketing efforts. As a general rule of thumb, you will want to devote around 7% of your gross revenue to marketing to make the most of it.

7. Relying on Outdated Small Business Marketing Strategies

Are you using some of the marketing strategies that you learned about when you attended college in the early 2000s to run a small business in 2022? If you are, that alone is going to prove to be one of the biggest small business marketing mistakes that you're making.

The marketing world has changed quite a bit over the last few years, let alone the last 20 years. So, you should try to avoid using any outdated small business marketing strategies. You'll be asking for trouble if you take this approach to marketing.

8. Marketing Your Business Without Analyzing the Results

Marketing your business is very important, but it isn't going to do you much good if you're not getting any positive results. It's why you should get yourself into the habit of analyzing the results of your marketing efforts all the time.

If you find that some aspect of your small business marketing plan isn't working, you'll need to make adjustments to it accordingly. Otherwise, it could lead to you spending a lot of time and money on a marketing strategy that isn't doing you much good at all.

Try Not to Make Any of These Crucial Small Business Marketing Mistakes

Marketing your small business in an effective way isn't always going to be easy. You'll need to work hard to avoid making any of the marketing mistakes listed here.

We can help you steer clear of at least some of them by providing you with affordable website design services and digital marketing solutions. We’ll set you up with the website you need to get your small business marketing plan off the ground.

Check out some examples of our work and contact us to learn more about getting a website for your small business or any other questions that you may have.
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Why a Facebook Page is Not a Substitute for a Website

When it comes to promoting and representing your small business online, it's important to have a strong, professional presence. Many businesses today turn to social media platforms, like Facebook, to create that presence. However, using a Facebook page as your primary or only online presence can be a huge mistake. In this article, we'll go over the top ten reasons why using a Facebook page as your business website is a bad idea and explore some alternative options for promoting your business online.

1. You don't own it.

One of the biggest drawbacks to using a Facebook page as your business website is that you don't actually own the page. It belongs to Facebook, and they can change it, remove it, or make it hard to find in search results at any time. This lack of control can be frustrating and potentially damaging to your business, especially if you've put a lot of time and effort into building up your Facebook presence.

2. You eliminate non-Facebook users.

While Facebook has over two billion users, there are still plenty of people who don't use the platform, particularly in younger and older demographics. By relying solely on a Facebook page for your online presence, you risk eliminating these potential customers. While it's true that not everyone uses social media, it's important to consider all potential channels for reaching your audience.

3. SEO options are limited.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of improving the ranking of a website in search engine results. While it's possible to optimize a Facebook page to an extent, you are limited in the keywords you can target and the content you can post. Additionally, a Facebook page will only show up in search results once, while a website with multiple pages has the potential to show up multiple times. This can make it harder for potential customers to find your business online.

4. You may have to pay for ads to get seen.

Facebook is in the business of making money, and they use a "freemium" model to do it. While creating a Facebook page and posting updates is free, the reach of those posts is often quite limited. In order to get your posts seen by a larger audience, you may have to pay for ads. While this may not be a significant cost for some businesses, it's important to factor it into your marketing budget.

5. Functionality is limited.

On a Facebook page, you can post updates, upload photos, and use Facebook Messenger to chat with customers. However, the functionality of a Facebook page is quite limited compared to a website. A website allows you to create forms, add e-commerce functionality, and create custom pages and posts with a wider range of formatting options.

6. There's no sales funnel.

A sales funnel is a series of steps that a potential customer goes through on their way to making a purchase. On a website, you can use calls-to-action, landing pages, and other tactics to guide users through the sales process. With a Facebook page, you don't have the same level of control and therefore don't have the same ability to guide users towards making a purchase.

7. Content is limited.

While it's possible to write an "About Us" section and post updates on a Facebook page, there isn't really a place to post in-depth content that can draw in users and improve your search engine ranking. A website, on the other hand, allows you to create blog posts, articles, and other types of content that can help you attract and retain customers.

8. You can't brand the page.

On a Facebook page, you can add a cover image and upload a profile picture, but you can't really brand the page beyond that. A website, on the other hand, allows you to choose your own color scheme, fonts, and design elements to create a cohesive and professional look.

9. Searching for content is difficult.

On a website, you can save, organize, and make pages and posts searchable. This makes it easy to find and refer back to older content. On a Facebook page, the options for saving and organizing content are much more limited, and there is no way to export your content. This makes it difficult for both you and your customers to find and refer back to older posts.

10. Analytics and data are lacking.

Finally, the analytics and data available on a Facebook page are not as robust as those on a website. While Facebook does provide some information on the reach and engagement of your posts, it's not as detailed or customizable as the analytics you can get from a website. This makes it harder to track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions about your business.

A Facebook business page should be used in addition to a website, not as a substitute for one.

If you want to grow your business online, it's essential to have a professional website in addition to a Facebook page. A website allows you to promote your brand, fully showcase your products or services, create a sales funnel, and track your marketing efforts through detailed analytics. While it may seem easier and cheaper to use a Facebook page as your primary online presence, the limitations of a Facebook page make it a poor choice in the long run.

That's where our web design firm comes in! We specialize in creating affordable, professional websites for businesses of all sizes. Our team of experienced designers and developers will work with you to create a website that perfectly reflects your brand and meets your business goals. And, once your website is up and running, you can use your Facebook page to promote it and drive traffic to your site.

Don't settle for a limited online presence. Invest in a professional website and take your business to the next level. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business succeed online.
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The True Value of Your Online Reputation

Reputation management has become increasingly essential in today's world of business. As individuals and businesses continue to navigate the digital space, one negative review or scandal can significantly impact their reputation and financial stability.

Freedom Web Designs is a company that offers custom website design and development services, e-commerce solutions, and SEO optimized sites. By providing top-notch services, they have gained a positive reputation within their industry. However, even the most well-respected businesses are susceptible to negative online feedback, including false reviews or comments from competitors or customers who were not satisfied with their work, which could tarnish their image.

This is where reputation management comes in handy. Reputation management services offer businesses the ability to monitor and maintain their online reputation by tracking customer feedback and ensuring that any negative comments are swiftly and effectively addressed.

Another way to manage your online reputation is through Freedom Social, the sister company of Freedom Web Designs. Freedom Social is a social media marketing agency that helps businesses leverage the power of social media to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to their website. By creating engaging content, building social media communities, and using analytics to track success, Freedom Social can help businesses build a positive online reputation.

In conclusion, a good online reputation is invaluable for any business, and managing it effectively is the key to success. If you're a business owner looking to improve your reputation or maintain a positive image, consider seeking the services of Freedom Web Designs or Freedom Social. With their expert services, you can rest assured that your online reputation is in good hands. So, what are you waiting for? Contact Freedom Web Designs or Freedom Social today to take advantage of their services and start building your online reputation! #freedomwebdesigns #freedomsocial #reputationmanagement #onlinereputationmanagement #reviews #socialmedia
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For example, key challenges vary from deciding whether talent is a good fit to crafting messaging that will resonate throughout an entire campaign, managing how all those pieces fit together and determining which content will work best on which channel. 

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How lack of motivation could be seen as a hindrance to solving programmatic fraud

The Possible conference got underway on Monday from Miami Beach, as did the Digiday studio.

One of the day’s guests, Index Exchange president and CEO Andrew Casale, outlined some of the main challenges to solving the problems of fraud in the programmatic world — the latest boogeyman being MFAs.

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What’s missing in today’s marketplace, Casale explained, is motivation to make changes with today’s tools that are available.

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VaynerMedia CEO Vaynerchuk: Media, creative agencies must reunite to create ‘common sense’ marketing solutions

Laid out in pretty stark terms, VaynerMedia CEO Gary Vaynerchuk, on the first day of the Possible conference in Miami on Monday, advocated for a reconciliation of media and creative agencies to create a more common sense approach to media and marketing that many of the companies in attendance at the conference, he said, remain loath to embrace.

“I believe the modern marketing comms strategy should be predicated on common sense and a lot less on boardroom behavior,” said Vaynerchuk, adding, “I was looking at the list of attendees on the flight down here and, respectfully, a lot of the companies that are here are trading on fake mathematical proxies of marketing vs. actual marketing.”

Vaynerchuk went on to say that the media and marketing business need to have a better understanding of where consumer attention is and reorient traditional marketings practices in concert with AI and big tech to “create creative that consumers will consider vs. industry creative.”

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WTF is the American Privacy Rights Act

Who knows if or when it’ll actually happen, but the proposed American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) is as close as the U.S. has ever come to a federal law that manages to straddle the line between politics and policy.

And that’s reason enough to unpack what this bundle of U.S. privacy laws might mean for the ad industry at large.

WTF is the APRA?

It would shake things up in advertising by forcing companies to scale down the amount of data they collect on people while also empowering them to manage, correct, and even export their own data. That control would also give them the power to say “no” to targeted ads and the transfer of their own data. Plus, they’d have the option to opt out of algorithms influencing major life decisions for them, like where they live or who they’re able to work for. And of course, there’s a big focus on beefing up security measures to keep everyone’s info safe and sound. Oh and don’t forget about dark patterns; companies would be barred from using these sneaky tactics to sway users away from exercising their newfound rights on privacy settings.

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